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Hurricane Rosie

Today’s New Experience – The Hose
March 14, 2010, 5:36 pm
Filed under: around the house | Tags:

You guys will nots believes it! There’s this green snakey thing in the yards and it spitted waters at me! At first I thoughts it was trying to gets me so I defended the house from its. Then I seen my brother tryin to bites it, so I followed his lead. I fought it so goods that it went back to sleeps just to get away from me! I showed that monster whos boss! Then I saw my brother doin his ‘racoon feet’ in the pool so I barked at hims to get his ttention and so he’d chased me.

Then moms showed me what we do on warm, sunny days… she calls its ‘layin out’. I calls it ‘naptime in the suns’…. Silly moms.

7 Comments so far
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  1.    admin 03.14.10 @ 7:44 pm      

    Oh Rosie, for being so danged cute, you are a great protector of the pack.

  2.    Peyton's Path 03.14.10 @ 7:49 pm      

    You have such fun times! That darn green snake, we have one of those in our backyard too! Keep protecting the house.
    Dillon and Rhys

  3.    Opie 03.14.10 @ 9:01 pm      

    OMD! We have one too! ‘Cept it must be migratory, because it only hangs out in the summertime! I hate those spit snakes. Opie

  4.    Carmen (Catie's Mom) 03.15.10 @ 7:53 am      

    Ours just hangs out in the summertime too. Catie loves it especially when it spits; Riley barks at it.

    Life can’t get too much better than naptime in the suns! Enjoy.

  5.    anyemery 03.15.10 @ 5:09 pm      

    Yup – we have one of those green snake things, too! They must be everywhere. Ours only comes out in the summer, too. My mom loves napping in the sun, but I prefer playing in the snow. But the snow’s all gone now, so the mud will have to do.

  6.    Nova 03.15.10 @ 7:20 pm      

    We have a green snake thing too, and it has real snakes that like to hang out all curled up with it. It makes Mom scream really loud when she finds them curled up in there! Me, I like to lay on top of it in the summer right after Mom uses it to water the flowers. It’s nice and cold and feels great when it’s hot out. You should try it. Plus, if I lay on it, then there is no chance it will come get me. I agree, it’s no fun when it spits, or when Mom decides to give me B-A-T-H out in the driveway. YUCK.

  7.    Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) 03.15.10 @ 8:43 pm      

    Oh that video is too cute for words! Mackenzie’s little brother Kobe goes CRAZY for that green snake. Can’t get enough of it and like his namesake he can jump so high into the sky to chase the water coming out of it. Looks like Rosie is learning fast and discovering all the fun water stuff you can do with that green snake. Keep it up Rosie!

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