Been too long! I don’t jumps as high as I used to, but I still swims like a fishes and I still likes going on adventures! I’ll do a better jobs of checkin in, ‘specially as I support my little brudder, Astronaut, through his recent Osteosarcoma diagnosis. Keep kickin, tripawds!
I’ve maybes decideds that mah bigs smelly new brother iz okays after all. Hims is a messy eaters an leaveses me lots of scrapses, so hims can stay. This weeks is bery hots so momsa lets us plays out in the frotn courtyards in tha mornings an then we naps insides while momsa goes to works. Iz importants to stay cools dis summers, M’kay? Tell you momsa to gets you somes watersmelon.
Maybe my momsa does loves me. Cause even thoughs she makes me shares tha couch wif my new bigs smelly brother, she also wakesed us up this mornings and takeds us to mah FABORIT place in tha wholes worlds, tha lake. Iz true. an it turns out mah new bro is a big drooly chickens! Hims wouldn’t evens comes in tha waters! an I chaseds hims wif the floaties an he rans away from me an hid behinds momsa likes tha big smelly boy hims is. Momsa made me stops barkins at him even thoughs I still has things to says. SO. Obviouslies I am stil tha boss an maybes the smelly boy can stays. for now. maybes.
Iz truemah bro and I has been moppings around the house. An I haz been missings mah big sister ever since she lefts us. BUT. Momsa adopteds another siblings for us and its a bigs stinky BOY. and now I haz TWO big stinky brothers an I am outnumbereds. Unless you counts the chikens. an I don’ts. NOT FAIR, Momsa. Humph.
February 24, 2014, 6:48 pm
Filed under: milestones
Todays, my big sister Sadie left us. Momsa tolds us she hads a tumor in her brains and it was times for us to lets her go. I don’t ‘zactly understands and I been lookings for her. My big bro and momsa has been very sads an that makes me sads too. Who is going to keeps me outs of troubles if my big sis is not heres? just sads.
We has not hads much snows this years, so I hads to finds a new hobby to keeps me in shapes. An today my momsa broughts home some good dirts an I helps her by spreadings it arounds an compactins it. Iz my jobs, m’kay?