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Hurricane Rosie

Last Snowstorm of the Season!
April 7, 2010, 7:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

My moms has been workin lots this last week, so yesterday whens she got home, my sibs and I went into action. We made lots of sad faces an I sighed whenever she tried to leave the room. Even my bro, who can’t stop wiggling day and night, curled up near her and gave her the eyes.

Sure enough, IT WORKED!!. When we wokes up this morning, moms packed us in the car an we went up to the snows!! I LOVES the cold, so I couldn’t help but throw myself down and roll around every chance I got!. We ended up going about 5 miles and I gots to chase and dig and it was pawsome.

I’m kinda clumsy at the moment cause my legs keeps gettin longer and mom says I has a ‘growed spurt’ again, but all I knows is that sometimes it’s hard not to trip over my own feets!
Hope everyone else is enjoyin the last of winter!!

11 Comments so far
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  1.    admin 04.07.10 @ 8:21 pm      

    What Fun!!! 🙂

  2.    Peyton's Path 04.07.10 @ 8:52 pm      

    Fun times in the snow! It’s ok to trip over your own feet, my Mom even does that and she is a human!

    Love the pictures!

    Dillon and Rhys

  3.    Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) 04.07.10 @ 9:29 pm      

    Way to go Rosie! You’re such a big dog now and boy can you keep up with the other big dogs too! Love your video – you look so strong and stealth. Pretty soon, your siblings will be chasing you around and they’ll have to keep up with your speed racer moves. As far as the snow goes, we don’t have anything like that here in California. We just have temps in the 80’s in April which is really really nice 🙂 Enjoy the snow while you still can. You look like you’re having so much fun! Lots of hugs – Mackenzie & Kobe

  4.    Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) 04.07.10 @ 9:31 pm      

    OK I meant to say LA, not CA – it does snow in California!

  5.    jerry 04.08.10 @ 10:04 am      

    Oh my gosh sun and snow, wow, you really are in California! Fun!

  6.    cometdog 04.08.10 @ 1:14 pm      

    Rosie and Gang,
    Don’t ya just hate it when your pawrents have to work!? I’m glad to hear you can make sad faces to let them know what is really important! Fur Fun!


  7.    Carmen (Catie's Mom) 04.08.10 @ 6:13 pm      

    You’re kidding me, right? All that snow in California??

    Even though I’ve had my fill of snow over the last – hm -5 months or so – I’m glad you had fun, Rosie!!

  8.    travisray 04.10.10 @ 7:48 pm      

    Hey Rosie,

    I know I am late but I had to say big congratulations for talking your foster moms into taking the plunge! We knew it was destined to happen, yes we did! You an me babeee! Foster pups no more! Lets hear it for furever homes!!!

    Travis Ray

  9.    Opie 04.15.10 @ 9:48 pm      

    Your bro sure is a good digger! He got a good start on a snow shelter! Rolling in the snow is the best feeling in the world, right? Opie

  10.    Xander Tank 04.19.10 @ 10:36 am      

    Oh my what awesome pics Rosie!! You’re getting so big too! I remembers fallin over my feet too… and I still do! I misses the snows – there hasn’t been any here for over a month and I’s in east coast Canada!

    Glad you and your fam had so much fun Rosie!

    Xander xo

  11.    cometdog 04.23.10 @ 8:56 pm      

    Rosie,I thought you might like to know we lost our brave friend Opie.
    You can read about it here:

    And we had a video made for him here:


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