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Hurricane Rosie

Dogpark Chaos
August 12, 2010, 10:24 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m in troubles again. Me an my sibs wents to the parks this mornin and I was a really good girl for a long times, but then I spotteds this awesome mud puddles hidden in the back corner of the parks and I just got in. Cause when have i ever been able to pass up a puddles?? It’s not my faults theres no waters for rinsin off. and I only rubbed against a few (7 or 8 ) peoples, who should be thankin me for bringin the muds to them. Don’t they know how much da silly humans pay for that stuffs? Anyways, moms was not very happy with me and I didn’t wants to leave my puddles, so she had to carries me out to the car, which made her even more mads… Guess I’ll haves to be good for a few hours to make up for all the muds in the car…

4 Comments so far
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  1.    admin 08.12.10 @ 10:46 am      

    WOOOHOOO! Free Mud Bath! 🙂

  2.    Leslie 08.12.10 @ 12:56 pm      

    LMAO! You remind me so much of my Kali girl, except she’s three and probably weighs less than you by now. But she would most definitely plop her happy butt right in the middle of a mud puddle with you. Doesn’t your mom know mud baths are the kind of thing a sofisticated lady does? She can’t be mad.

  3.    Carmen (Catie's Mom) 08.12.10 @ 7:26 pm      

    LOL! Oh my, Rosie, do you know how to get yourself into big trouble! I’ll bet those 7 or 8 people were thrilled with the mud sharing!!

    You are simply too adorable to stay mad at though; right, mom?

  4.    Ginger 08.16.10 @ 7:15 pm      

    Rosie, I think you really know how to live. Do what you like and ask for forgiveness later. Keep the stories comin’.

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