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Hurricane Rosie

Tha Indignitys!!!
December 16, 2010, 7:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Momsa took us up snowshoein on the forests serves us roads today an I felt sooooo good runnin an doin my sno-ga an jumpin logses an chasin my sibs…

But then I’s decides to try ‘skiin’ down this steep slope on my front paw (even though momsa was yellin ‘no’ an had ‘the face’ on)

but then momsa saw this……

an I mades her chase me ’cause she seemd a lil mads…an she saw this

Which meants momsa say the tripses is over an was I tryin to gives her a heart ‘tack an then she mades me ride back to the car likes this… (she says she’ll post tha pics, but she wantses da’niability).

EDIT by ‘The Sherpa’ – we actually have the doubleback harness (which would have been a bit more ideal if it hadn’t been left at home), so luckily the webmaster (with a bit of reinforcement) worked out for the transport. Her highness is now sleeping off her indignities and has hopefully learned her lesson……..

10 Comments so far
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  1.    madeline 12.16.10 @ 8:17 pm      

    Wow Rosie! You are one tough tripawd. You are a monkeydog too!

  2.    admin 12.16.10 @ 9:33 pm      

    OUCH! Maybe Rosie needs some Bark’n Boots to go with her Webmaster. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ruff Wear rocks!

  3.    Lisa 12.17.10 @ 12:12 am      

    Oh,Rosie! I think they call it skiing because you’re supposed to wear skis! Hope you heal up soon!

  4.    Leslie 12.17.10 @ 5:13 am      

    Oh my gosh Rosie! Are you hanging from your Momma’s shoulder? Like a purse?!?! That’s the craziest thing I ever saw. LOL! And now your poor Mom is going to have to go to the chiropractor to get her back straightened out right.

    Maybe both of you should get lots of rest this weekend so your paw and her back will heal.

    I swear, I didn’t even know you could wear a mastiff like a purse. I’m going to have to check into that.


  5.    coopsdad 12.17.10 @ 6:26 am      

    all I know is I wouldnt ever want to mess with Rosies mom… if she can pack Rosie around like that she must me one tough lady ๐Ÿ™‚

  6.    CatiesMom 12.17.10 @ 8:51 am      

    Ouchie!! For your paw and your momsa’s back!!

    And I agree. You do look like a mastiff purse!

    Heal that paw.

  7.    janeothejungle 12.17.10 @ 9:20 am      

    LMAO! She does look like a mastiff purse!! Although she’s actually clipped in to the frame on my backpack. Makes it a little easier to carry ‘the load’…

  8.    etgayle 12.17.10 @ 11:42 am      

    all hail rosie’s mom!!!! we are not worthy, we are not worthy…….

  9.    jerry 12.18.10 @ 9:26 pm      

    OUCH! Rosie, don’t forget those booties for next time OK?

  10.    fortisdad 12.29.10 @ 7:24 am      

    You guys are something! I think Rosie believes she has 5 legs. And Mom, way to come to the rescue. Fortis and I are at awe once again. I hope the paw has healed and that you guys had a wonderful Christmas.


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