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Hurricane Rosie

Momsa Time
January 12, 2011, 9:03 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well, I been hadsin a sads lately ’cause momsa been tellin me about all my friendses that aren’t heres anymore an even tho I’m still a little girl, I knows that means I can’t sees them again until its my turns to go (which momsa says can’t be for a very longs times). So todays, she tooks me with her over to my great aunts house where my momsa is puttin in some kinda human path (you’d never see a dog that couldn’t find his way outta the yards without a big block sidewalks, sheesh). An my great auntsa says how bigs I’ve gotten an what a goods girl I am growins up to be, which made my momsa proud. I just hopes I can grows up to be as noble as my friend Fortis, or as goodhearted as my friend Mac. I’m tryin, anyhows.

Can you believes I used to looks like dis? my ears! sheesh.

9 Comments so far
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  1.    maximutt 01.12.11 @ 9:14 pm      

    Rosie, you look like you were being a really good helper with that path! Laying right across it like that really makes those pavers sink into the ground!

  2.    admin 01.12.11 @ 10:16 pm      

    Beautiful photos! You’re growing up to quite a striking young lady there, Rosie.

  3.    Lisa 01.13.11 @ 12:03 am      

    You sure do look good Rosie! It’s nice to see that you grew into your ears 🙂

  4.    etgayle 01.13.11 @ 6:54 am      

    rosie, you sure did grow into those ears!! you are an excellent path building helper, and a beautiful girl as well.

    charon & gayle

  5.    kazy55 01.13.11 @ 12:33 pm      

    Rosie I tried to say “SO CUTE” but the machine told me my words were too short … so here’s some more words.

  6.    kenmoresmom 01.13.11 @ 12:50 pm      

    Rosie, what a beauty you are- inside & out!
    dog kisses,
    mandy & Kenmore

  7.    CatiesMom 01.13.11 @ 5:05 pm      

    Rosie, you’re not just a pretty face after all – for someone who’s still a youngster you’re very wise and sensitive too and I think there’s some growing nobility in your face.

  8.    credocanis 01.13.11 @ 6:08 pm      

    Rosie – You look fantastic, and I love your ears.

    Come on over to our house and build us a path. We need one just like that and yours looks great.

    Lincoln’s Mom

  9.    jack crowder 01.13.11 @ 6:12 pm      

    Way to Supervise Rosie!! It’s hard losing your friends, just remember they are with you and inspiring you to be the very best Rosie you can be. We all know you’ll be sharing your wisdom with everyone you meet.

    Your friend Shelby, the P.P.

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