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Hurricane Rosie

Sno-ga, parts 2
January 20, 2011, 5:04 pm
Filed under: trips

I beens workin hards to develops new moveses for my Sno-ga so here is parts 2 of the routines. Don’t forgets to stretches befor attemptin these moveses, M’Kay??

Always startses with ‘HeadButt’ – where you head an you butt touch the snow. Jus be sures tha snow isn’t too deeps or you head an you butt falls right through.

Dis called ‘400m Freestyle’ – swims it like you means it

Dis called ‘invisible waters ski’- makes sure you legs is straight

dis called ‘snow dogses’ – makes sure you roll alots to make big wingses

dis called ‘Riversdance’ – momsa say you know why

dis called ‘Sea Otter’ – pretends you is floatin on you back

dis called ‘OMG’ – don’ forgets to make the face

dis called ‘kang’rue’ – makes sure you flexes you legs

dis called ‘ Mmmmfghmmm’

dis called ‘Heil’ – workses the abs

dis called ‘hear sumfin?’ – I thoughts I heards a mice unner tha snows

an lastly is ‘Flattop’ – you has to work hards to flexses you brain an makes it shrinks up in you head

Workses Hard an you will be ‘super muscleses’ likes me. Just don’t forgets to practice an makes sure you momsa gives you lotsa bacons. (I loves bacons) M’Kay??

6 Comments so far
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  1.    CatiesMom 01.20.11 @ 5:13 pm      

    Oh dear god, Rosie, that was too funny.

    You and your momsa’s need to put together that workout dvd right now. You’ll be RICH. In order to capture a HUGE market, you may want to consider providing modified exercises for those who don’t live near snow 🙂

  2.    coopsdad 01.20.11 @ 5:25 pm      

    Rosie, your momsa is right…. that one moves is definitelys Riverdance and we knows whys!

  3.    admin 01.20.11 @ 10:04 pm      

    you’re gettin’ pretty good at makin’ da face there rosie! 🙂

  4.    etgayle 01.21.11 @ 6:58 am      

    oh my word, you are the next ‘jane fonda’…rosie you are a ray of sunshine, keep up the great work!!!!

    charon & gayle

  5.    tombi 01.21.11 @ 11:08 am      

    great pics, thanks for sharing. Looks like it was an awesome day

  6.    kellyr2011 03.31.11 @ 6:32 pm      

    OMG that is too funny. LOVED it and laughed my rearend off! oh no, there it is 😛
    You go Rosie! That was awesome!

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