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Hurricane Rosie

Woo Hoo. A Spade!!
February 8, 2011, 12:27 pm
Filed under: milestones

Is true. Momsa said I’m finally readys to gets a spade!! an is happenin This Thursdays!!! I still nots sure what that is, but my bro says is kinda likes a little shovels. An I loves to Dig!! I thinks thas why my momsa has been lookin so worried this weeks. She musts be worrieds Ima dig up the yards. No worries, momsa!! I am a big girls now an I can controls myself (kinda). She gots all my fav’rit foods this weeks, too, an is bein real lovesy!!! Iz like a big party for me an my spade!! You guys can comes too (when I figures out whats goin on).

5 Comments so far
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  1.    maximutt 02.08.11 @ 1:32 pm      

    Rosie, you big girl! I hope your Momsa gives you some bacons for getting a spade!! You take it easy and rest for a few days after Thursday, okay?

  2.    etgayle 02.08.11 @ 2:12 pm      

    geesh, you’re all hearts to us, just don’t go getting a club and trying to smash any diamonds….spades indeed.

    gayle & charon

  3.    credocanis 02.08.11 @ 2:14 pm      

    Getting a spade just means lots of attention, Rosie, you’ll be fine.

    Be sure to take it easy for a few days, though. Get your Mom to give you some extra treats, and save the digging for later.

    Lincoln’s Mom

  4.    CatiesMom 02.08.11 @ 5:24 pm      

    Oh Rosie! Good luck on Thursday with the spade! You’re a big strong girl; you’ll be just fine especially with ALL those EXTRA treats you’ll be getting.

  5.    Ginger 02.08.11 @ 6:56 pm      

    Rosie, maybe you can bring your spade to my house and help us dig out from all this snow!!! I’m sure you will be up, around and diggin’ in no time, my friend.

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