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Hurricane Rosie

Momsa no love me
May 28, 2014, 12:45 pm
Filed under: around the house

Iz truemah bro and I has been moppings around the house. An I haz been missings mah big sister ever since she lefts us. BUT. Momsa adopteds another siblings for us and its a bigs stinky BOY. and now I haz TWO big stinky brothers an I am outnumbereds. Unless you counts the chikens. an I don’ts. NOT FAIR, Momsa. Humph.

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3 Comments so far
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  1.    maximutt 05.28.14 @ 6:17 pm      

    Okay, I have to admit, your new brother does look a bit smelly. BUT, this is your opportunity to teach him about the house rules! And Rosie, I think since he’s new and doesn’t know anything, you can probably make up whatever “rules” you want! Like, you always eat first, you get the best spot on the couch, Momsa has to always massage you, etc. So see, it won’t be so bad. You can let your new big brother know that YOU’RE in charge!! And by the way, I know your Momsa loves you very much. She has a lot of love in her heart, that’s why she brought you a new brother. Maybe he didn’t have a great family to live with before, but he does now, and that’s all because of your great Momsa!

  2.    benny55 05.29.14 @ 8:17 am      

    ROSIE! ROSIE!! You make me grin ear to ear!!

    I love you and I love reading your posts! And when you post it always gives me an opportunity to go back and scroll through your previous posts and EXTRAORDINARILY CUTE PICTURES!!

    I kow how badly you andyor Momsa miss Sadie. It will hurt your heart for a very long time. But the memories of love and fun and happiness will eventually help fill yor heart with more smiles snd less sadness.

    And what a loving way to honor her memory by opening up yor heart to another dog who needs to know what love feels like.

    You and your brother can teach him how to help your momsa tend to her garden, how to roll in the snow!

    And Rosie, no matter how hard they try, your stinky brothers will never be as cute as you!! And humans can’t help but love cuteness!! And add the fact that you are a tripawd on top of that!! OMD!! You’re the boss!!

    Now you can be the wise one and teach the new guy not to go near bees!

    Keep these great posts coming! You have no idea how much joy and delight they bring to us all!

    Sending love, hugs and tummy scratches!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3.    jerry 05.29.14 @ 10:54 am      

    Hey Rosie, did you know your new bruddas got something wrong with him? I THINK he’s got FOUR legs! Isn’t that weird?

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