November 7, 2011, 5:52 pm
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Momsa tooks us up to the mtns today so we coulds plays in the new snows!! OH SNOWS HOW I LUBS YOU!! Iz times to start gettins in shapes for Sno-ga season!!
what IZ Dis doin heres?
boing boing boing
WOO HOOO for winters!!!
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Woo hoo Rosie! Snow is so much fun! Sammy is def jealous! Xoxo Sue and Sammy
Rosie, you sure look like you are enjoying life! You go girl 🙂
Rosie, I think you must have the best face in the world! Looks like you and your sibs had a great time! Did you eat that pumpkin?
fun, fun, fun rosie!!! can’t wait for more sno’ga poses.
charon & gayle
Rosie, you are a force of nature!!! Love the pictures. I can see you are just all about havin’ a ball.
Micki and Rio
Aw, Rosie, how I lubs YOU!!
You know how to brighten everyone’s day. 🙂
great pics! Glad you enjoyed the snow!
Nancy & Butchey
Rosie, Rosie Posie,
Yo grrl, we gotta meet in the sno some time, yesh we do! U R beauuuuuutiful in the sno!
Travis Ray