Punkins. Taste betters when stolens.
Momsa didn’t figure out fasts enough where I founds the pumpkin, so now she has ‘pologize to the neighborses. Mwa ha ha ha. I loves pumkins, I saws a pumkins, an I eated it. Was delicious. Til momsa took the remaining bits away. Happys Howl-oweenies!

I eated it.

I wouldn admit it to my momsa, but I dids it. I eated teh whole plants. I’m two years olds now, so I can does what I wants, m’kay? Momsa accuses me right offs the bats, an I dunno why she singleds me out, but somehows she knows I eated it. She can’t prove nuffin. Good thing was not toxics. *burp.

Iz Hot. Where my snows?
Iz pritty hots here an my momsa been lettins us play with the spitty snakes after the suns goes down so we can cools off an run arounds. Iz better than nothins I guess.
Me an the spittys go way backs. Even whens I was jus a pups.
Stay cool, my friendses. The snows will be heres for you knows it.
The Hurricane
Would like you to have a goods weekend.

or else.
Last of the Spring Snows!!
I haz to gets all my rollins in afore the snows is all gone. Momsa say it was sebenty ‘grees todays an thats whys the snows is all meltins. Come Back Snows!!! I Needs You!!!!
an this’s my bedtimes ritchel. I waits til everyones is windin’s down an thens I do my routines to the couch.
Hope all my friendses is well!!
Stills Here!
Iz my momsa’s fault, really. Me an my sibs has still been havin lots of ‘ventures, but momsa been too lazy to lets me posts. Hope all my friends is well!!

an some videos of wrasslin times!
I found out todays what a ‘spade’ is. NOT OKAY Mom! NOT Okay!! An nows I’m all stoned an my belly itcheses where is shaveds. Ima be awful mad whens I feel betters….

Iz momsas new word for me. She says I grows up so big, but still haz bad cases of ‘tha crazieses’. Is maybe cause I jus ‘scovered how much funs it is to barkses.

Awake ‘n Asleepin
Momsa is makin funs of me ’cause I just started stickin my tongues out when I sleeps. I Can’t HELP it, momsa!! I also opens my eyes a lot an momsa says its weird. I guess I just have to wears her out more afore I goes to sleep so she’ll be too tireds to notice….