Big Girl Britches, I haz em

momsa saids I haz a ‘pointment for gettin a spades next week. But then a few days ago she pulleds out my big girl britches (which I loveses) an nows I haves to wait to get my spade (which I don’t knows what it is, but I luvs ‘prises). See, my britches? They iz pink an haves an eyeful towers (’cause I’m french, ya’know right?)

Am too a fishes!!
Momsa took us to the lakes today an I couldn’t waits to get ins (which I’m nots ‘posed to do ‘less I wear my lifesjacket). And then I swams waaaay far out an momsa almost fainted ’cause she was so worrieds. and she evens came in the water afters me, but Im part fishes so I don’t know whys she was so upsets at me. Fishes belongs in the water, moms.
Though I was a bit tireds. just a bit.

MonkeyButt. There can be only one.

and it’s definitely me. Momsa found these pics from when we wents to the snow an she says mine is irrefutably the most definitives monkeybutt ever. That makes me top monkeybutts.

Happies Howler-ween

I told momsa i wantsed to be somethin super sneakies for howl o ween and dis is whats she brungs home for me. Not whats I had in mind, moms….

This is whats I thinks of you, costumes!

S’okay, I guess

Turns out momsa did comes home an she broughts bacons an a stuffed fishes for me. I mights of pitchded a whiney baby fit durin bedtimes so she’d let me sleeps in the big beds, but only caused I loveses an missded her. *sigh*

Momma don’t loves me!!
Momsa lefts us with our uncles an the dogsitter for a wholes week! Jus cause she saids she hads to ‘work’. Sheesh. Is so sad when your own momsa abandons you. evens if she saids someones has to brings the bacons home (an I loves bacons). I WANTS MY MOMSA!!!

an is no good tryins to bribe me with watersmelon….
Shaver Lake swim time!

Its nice an cools now, so momsa took us up to Shaver to swims an romp through the meadowses. I kept tryin to swim out in the deep water but momsa made me stay in the shallows until I gets a new lifevest. Turns out im too bigs now for the old one!
I is a Mtn Dog!
I mades my firstes long hike an nows I’m a mtn dog likes my sibs! We hikedses in 3 miles one way to this bigses lake an I chasded a chipmonks an my momsa didn’t even haves to carry me backs to the cars!! Now that Ima year olds I gets to do even cooler stuffs!
I was too a lil baby dog!!

Moms says i was justs a cute little monkeybutts when I first cames to lives here. I could runs back an forths under my siblins backs then an I could fits unner the human beds an moms could carry me round likes a sack o ‘tatoes. I was too little!