I was too a lil baby dog!!

Moms says i was justs a cute little monkeybutts when I first cames to lives here. I could runs back an forths under my siblins backs then an I could fits unner the human beds an moms could carry me round likes a sack o ‘tatoes. I was too little!
Puppy Power Flashback!
Dis was me when I was a lil baby dog. I used to wake my momsa up early to feed an plays with me. Can you believes I was ever that smalls? an where did that squeaksy puppy barks come from? I gots a big girl ‘ima eats you’ bark now….
WaterDog strikes again
i can’t helps it. anytime moms brings out the spitty thing I go crazy! It’s my ‘sponsibility to keep a veeeery close eye on it an I takes my jobs seriously….
Guess who’s got a birfday comin!
September 2, 2010, 6:32 am
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That’s rights. Ima turn a year old on the 25ths of dis month!! Can you believes it?? One whole year on the planets an I still gots so much to see and do! Moms is in disbelief, she still says I’m her lil 20 lb puppy, but I knows Ima big girl now! Stay tuned for a whole months of celebrationses!!
Sproutin Some Gillses!
So I likes to throw myselfs down an wriggle an roll when I’m feelings good (duh, who doesn’t?) I likes to do it in the snows, an in the muds, an now, I’m workin on the underwater version. The first time I trieds this, moms fell over she was laughin so hard and I had to go checks on her. I didn’t know how to tell her – when you feels good, you just feels good, right?
Beaches Day! Woots!
I been a little sicks lately, so moms packed us up in the car today and we wents over to Carmel for a play day! I loves it at the oceans, even if there isn’t any snows.
Dogpark Chaos
I’m in troubles again. Me an my sibs wents to the parks this mornin and I was a really good girl for a long times, but then I spotteds this awesome mud puddles hidden in the back corner of the parks and I just got in. Cause when have i ever been able to pass up a puddles?? It’s not my faults theres no waters for rinsin off. and I only rubbed against a few (7 or 8 ) peoples, who should be thankin me for bringin the muds to them. Don’t they know how much da silly humans pay for that stuffs? Anyways, moms was not very happy with me and I didn’t wants to leave my puddles, so she had to carries me out to the car, which made her even more mads… Guess I’ll haves to be good for a few hours to make up for all the muds in the car…
Ebil has a New Face
I thoughts the Vacuums was bad, but the hissin thingeys are even scariers. They didn’ts even run away when I barkses at ’em. Mom says Ima big grrl now, but I still get scareds sometimes.
Watermelon Day
August 3rd was National Watermelons Day. Did YOU celebrates?

Hikin Day (an snows, too)
I Luvs Snows!!
Moms loaded us ups inta the new car todays and tooks us up to the mountainses!! It was awesome! there was lots of muds puddles and stickses and moms even found me a little patch of snows! I wasn’t even tireds (which is good ’cause moms said she’s not carryin me back to the car anymores). Hope everyones had a great weekends!!