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Hurricane Rosie

More Lake Time!
March 9, 2010, 4:26 pm
Filed under: trips

Nows that the weather is warmer an the floweres is coming out, moms is taking me to the lakes more ’cause she wants me to be real comforble around waters. I thinks I might wait til the waters warms up a bit more afore I gets too comforble…. My bro and sis likes it, though. and I got to spend more time checkin out the flowerses. They is tasty.

6 Comments so far
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  1.    Carmen (Catie's Mom) 03.09.10 @ 6:37 pm      

    O Rosie, you are so adorable in your green vest. Actually, you’re adorable even without it!

    We’re envious of you — you get to enjoy a lake and FLOWERS. We won’t see green here in Alberta for, oh, maybe two more months…Bah…let alone flowers. Taking time to smell the flowers is just fine, Rosie.

    Catie loves swimming. She loves it more than walking or running. She loves water so much than during thunderstorms she hides in the bathtub. I think it comforts her 🙂

    Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2.    Peyton's Path 03.09.10 @ 7:10 pm      

    I have to agree that you are adorable! That vest is your color! You take your time going into the water, no need to hurry. You are young and have a long life ahead of you for swimming! It’s fun to chill on the dry land eating flowers!

    Dillon and Rhys

  3.    Tazzie 03.09.10 @ 9:18 pm      

    I was going to say those Lupines are gorgeous. Won’t see them until June, but Carmen beat me to that.

    I’ll have to send you a pic of Tazzie, who had a very similar life jacket. You have good taste. You are also the most laid back puppy I have ever seen, well maybe not around bulldogs according to your mom.

    Hmm, did someone say “Mom” and not ‘foster mom’? Do you have news for us, Mom?

  4.    Opie 03.09.10 @ 10:17 pm      

    Ugh. Flowers are sooooo far away for us. You look like you are doing great, Rosie. Keep it up! Opie

  5.    anyemery 03.10.10 @ 5:46 am      

    Rosie, you look so cute with all those flowers! Makes my heart sing to think we might get flowers yet… although still a ways off for us. And you’re getting so big!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  6.    jerry 03.10.10 @ 3:30 pm      

    Hey Rosie, where the heck is that lake? It’s almost as purty as you!

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