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Hurricane Rosie

Gots in Trouble
May 15, 2010, 3:29 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I gots in trouble this mornin when I dragged the sprinkler into the house when moms wasn’t lookin. How is that my faults? She never saids “no sprinklers in the house” (but she definitely saids it now). It’s my favoritest toy an now she won’t even turns it up to full power anymore. She putses it on so the waters barely comes out, I mean geez! the water doesn’t even move when it’s that low! Talk abouts takin all the funs out of it……. *grumble

9 Comments so far
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  1.    krun15 05.15.10 @ 4:19 pm      

    What happened to that cute LITTLE puppy you used to have??
    And what’s wrong with sprinklers in the house?? Maybe if you promise to clean up Mom will let you take it in again…

    Karen and the pug girls

  2.    cometdog 05.15.10 @ 8:55 pm      

    Rosie you are getting so smart! Carpets are much easier to clean with the sprinklers than a machine!! That’s pretty smart!

    I think I swallowed my daddy’s wedding ring when I was playing with the hose one time! I grabbed his hand and it was gone. Mommy and daddy even rented a metal detector and couldn’t find it. But that was when I was little and they were newlyweds. I doubt they’d even brother to look now if he lost it! I think they’d just shugged their shoulders and do an “Oh well.” now. Their sentimental journey ended in about Year 3!


  3.    Opie 05.15.10 @ 10:52 pm      

    LOL. Rosie! Why in the world would your mom not let you play with the sprinkler in the house? You can’t be expected to play outside all the time, right? What a silly rule. Opie’s Mom
    Comet, I’ll bet you pooped gold, just like Opie!

  4.    etgayle 05.16.10 @ 8:12 am      

    great video rosie!! i agree, you look so grown up…bet you’ll find a way to get that sprinkler back inside…smarty!!

  5.    Ginger 05.16.10 @ 4:12 pm      

    I laughed so hard at your antics. Just tell your Mommy that you were trying to help her clean the inside of the house – she should appreciate your efforts.

  6.    cemil 05.16.10 @ 7:37 pm      

    You guys play so nicely together. Love the video!

  7.    Mackenzie's Mom 05.16.10 @ 7:46 pm      

    Hey Hurricane Rosie! Bringing the sprinkler into the house?? LOL – you are just too cute for words….looking forward to more adventures of the Rosie and the Sprinkler ๐Ÿ™‚

  8.    jerry 05.16.10 @ 8:39 pm      

    Sprinkler in the house sounds like a PAWTY to me! You know how to rock and roll, Rosie, keep it up!

  9.    Candie 06.04.10 @ 4:58 pm      

    Wow!! Rosie has grown soo much!! I just love to see her doing so well!!


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