The Spit Snakes, Part 2
OMD!! The green water spit snake is not alones! Today moms tooks me out in the yard and little spit snakes popped up all ober the place!! I gaves ’em my deepest ‘I means bizness’ bark, but they kept on spittins! I chased them for a longs time and then I’z tired so I had to takes a nap and let my sibs get the snakes. Where ares all these snakes comin from?? I did likes bein wets ’cause it was a warm day an I gets hots easy, but them snakes are weird!

Today’s New Experience – The Hose
You guys will nots believes it! There’s this green snakey thing in the yards and it spitted waters at me! At first I thoughts it was trying to gets me so I defended the house from its. Then I seen my brother tryin to bites it, so I followed his lead. I fought it so goods that it went back to sleeps just to get away from me! I showed that monster whos boss! Then I saw my brother doin his ‘racoon feet’ in the pool so I barked at hims to get his ttention and so he’d chased me.

Then moms showed me what we do on warm, sunny days… she calls its ‘layin out’. I calls it ‘naptime in the suns’…. Silly moms.

First Day of Puppy Class!

I gots all my shots finished yesterdays, so today I gots to go to puppy class and hang out with some other dogses my own age. My foster moms took me and I gots lots of treats just for sittin downs! It was pawsome! Moms says I’m a good girl an I lerns quick. I can’t wait till next class!

Playing chase with my foster sibs
Nothing like a game of chase to tire you out quickly….
Tripawd Puppyhood: take 1
Who said snoring isn’t ladylike? I thinks I’m cute.