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Hurricane Rosie

Last of the Spring Snows!!
May 2, 2011, 8:33 pm
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I haz to gets all my rollins in afore the snows is all gone. Momsa say it was sebenty ‘grees todays an thats whys the snows is all meltins. Come Back Snows!!! I Needs You!!!!

an this’s my bedtimes ritchel. I waits til everyones is windin’s down an thens I do my routines to the couch.

Hope all my friendses is well!!

Stills Here!
April 25, 2011, 4:31 pm
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Iz my momsa’s fault, really. Me an my sibs has still been havin lots of ‘ventures, but momsa been too lazy to lets me posts. Hope all my friends is well!!




an some videos of wrasslin times!

February 10, 2011, 7:41 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I found out todays what a ‘spade’ is. NOT OKAY Mom! NOT Okay!! An nows I’m all stoned an my belly itcheses where is shaveds. Ima be awful mad whens I feel betters….

Woo Hoo. A Spade!!
February 8, 2011, 12:27 pm
Filed under: milestones

Is true. Momsa said I’m finally readys to gets a spade!! an is happenin This Thursdays!!! I still nots sure what that is, but my bro says is kinda likes a little shovels. An I loves to Dig!! I thinks thas why my momsa has been lookin so worried this weeks. She musts be worrieds Ima dig up the yards. No worries, momsa!! I am a big girls now an I can controls myself (kinda). She gots all my fav’rit foods this weeks, too, an is bein real lovesy!!! Iz like a big party for me an my spade!! You guys can comes too (when I figures out whats goin on).

My Sis an Me. We Got Loves.
February 7, 2011, 10:11 pm
Filed under: around the house

February 1, 2011, 4:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Iz momsas new word for me. She says I grows up so big, but still haz bad cases of ‘tha crazieses’. Is maybe cause I jus ‘scovered how much funs it is to barkses.

The Lakeses!!! Woo Hoo
January 22, 2011, 6:28 pm
Filed under: trips

Momsa tooks us all up to the lakes so we coulds swim an chew stickses an its dayses like this that makes lifes so great!

Sno-ga, parts 2
January 20, 2011, 5:04 pm
Filed under: trips

I beens workin hards to develops new moveses for my Sno-ga so here is parts 2 of the routines. Don’t forgets to stretches befor attemptin these moveses, M’Kay??

Always startses with ‘HeadButt’ – where you head an you butt touch the snow. Jus be sures tha snow isn’t too deeps or you head an you butt falls right through.

Dis called ‘400m Freestyle’ – swims it like you means it

Dis called ‘invisible waters ski’- makes sure you legs is straight

dis called ‘snow dogses’ – makes sure you roll alots to make big wingses

dis called ‘Riversdance’ – momsa say you know why

dis called ‘Sea Otter’ – pretends you is floatin on you back

dis called ‘OMG’ – don’ forgets to make the face

dis called ‘kang’rue’ – makes sure you flexes you legs

dis called ‘ Mmmmfghmmm’

dis called ‘Heil’ – workses the abs

dis called ‘hear sumfin?’ – I thoughts I heards a mice unner tha snows

an lastly is ‘Flattop’ – you has to work hards to flexses you brain an makes it shrinks up in you head

Workses Hard an you will be ‘super muscleses’ likes me. Just don’t forgets to practice an makes sure you momsa gives you lotsa bacons. (I loves bacons) M’Kay??

Snowshoes Day!!
January 17, 2011, 5:52 pm
Filed under: trips

Momsa took us up to the snows ’cause iz nice an warms right now (54 grees) an she knowses how much I loves the snows!! I been workins on disc 2 for my Sno-ga workout, so moms says I can posts that laters. Stay cool, m’kay?

Awake ‘n Asleepin
January 15, 2011, 7:57 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Momsa is makin funs of me ’cause I just started stickin my tongues out when I sleeps. I Can’t HELP it, momsa!! I also opens my eyes a lot an momsa says its weird. I guess I just have to wears her out more afore I goes to sleep so she’ll be too tireds to notice….

Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.