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Hurricane Rosie

Dog o The Month!
July 2, 2010, 10:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

My sibs an I were picked for dogs of the month (I know it’s really ME that won, but moms says I have to share). An I gots to give my first interview and we all gots iscreems for breakfasts an I’m still only 9 months old, so Ima be famous afore I’m evens a year old! You can see it at MOC – Dogs of The Month

Dis me, sleepin

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Pure Ebil
June 4, 2010, 5:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I thoughts the spit snakes in the yard were bad, buts this……. pure ebil. an it lives in the house!! What is moms thinkin??

Gots in Trouble
May 15, 2010, 3:29 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I gots in trouble this mornin when I dragged the sprinkler into the house when moms wasn’t lookin. How is that my faults? She never saids “no sprinklers in the house” (but she definitely saids it now). It’s my favoritest toy an now she won’t even turns it up to full power anymore. She putses it on so the waters barely comes out, I mean geez! the water doesn’t even move when it’s that low! Talk abouts takin all the funs out of it……. *grumble

Mad Snow Skills
May 5, 2010, 5:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I gots ’em. Mama calls me a seal pup ’cause I likes eatin fishes a lot, but now I shows her my new skillses. She tooks us all up to the mtns todays so we could sees the last of the snowses. It was pawsome.

Gettin Bigs
April 23, 2010, 11:56 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s true. Moms took me by the vets today an Im’s over 70 lbs now!! Once I grows about 15 more, I’ll be as bigs as my brother. Who’s the pipsqueak now, huh?? Bring it…

Last Snowstorm of the Season!
April 7, 2010, 7:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

My moms has been workin lots this last week, so yesterday whens she got home, my sibs and I went into action. We made lots of sad faces an I sighed whenever she tried to leave the room. Even my bro, who can’t stop wiggling day and night, curled up near her and gave her the eyes.

Sure enough, IT WORKED!!. When we wokes up this morning, moms packed us in the car an we went up to the snows!! I LOVES the cold, so I couldn’t help but throw myself down and roll around every chance I got!. We ended up going about 5 miles and I gots to chase and dig and it was pawsome.

I’m kinda clumsy at the moment cause my legs keeps gettin longer and mom says I has a ‘growed spurt’ again, but all I knows is that sometimes it’s hard not to trip over my own feets!
Hope everyone else is enjoyin the last of winter!!

Lazy days
March 28, 2010, 8:26 pm
Filed under: around the house

My moms is a nut. She never puts the cameras down an even on our lazy days, she gots to be makin home movies. Its ‘kay cause she loves us lots so we only pretends to be annoyed, but anyways – dis is how I spent my first day as a newly ‘dopted tripawd. I haven’t gotten the hang of guttin the stuffies yet, but my bro is showin me how an Ima practice lots.

Big Newses!!
March 27, 2010, 12:47 pm
Filed under: milestones

Dis mornin, my foster moms came homes with some cake an a big stuffs toy for me an a prity pink ruffles for me an she asks do I wants to stay with her an Sadie an Zigs Forevers! an I didn’t even hafs to think, I says “Yeps” an we rolled around on the floor togethers for a while an moms (“real” moms now) breaks out the party gears and we celebrated!! I’m officially ‘Adopteds’ and I haves my own pack nows!!! Happy Happy Happy Day!!

My Big Sis, Sadie
March 24, 2010, 9:39 pm
Filed under: around the house

She’s n English Mastiff an she plays real good with me even though sometimes she squishes me a little bit. Moms says she’s a good role models for me since ima be big likes her someday. This is what we do every mornin after breakfasts…. I usually wins.

I can Swims!!!
March 23, 2010, 2:26 pm
Filed under: milestones,trips

We wents back to the lakes today an my foster moms let me practise swimmin some mores. She always holds me up a bit to make sures I dont swallows too much water. But today, as I was practicin, she let go and I swams all by myself in a circle around her afore I had to gets out and get the frisbee my brother droppeds. I swams all by myself!! I’ma be six months old on thursday and moms says I’m the bestest pup ever! She even carrieds me back to the cars today cause I was very tired after swimmins so much…

An to makes the day even better – I found the most awesomest stick and I cheweds on it for like an hour (moms says I’m stubburns like that); but when it was time to go she wouldn’t carry it to the car for me, so I hads to leave it.

Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.