Today we are sads
February 24, 2014, 6:48 pm
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Todays, my big sister Sadie left us. Momsa tolds us she hads a tumor in her brains and it was times for us to lets her go. I don’t ‘zactly understands and I been lookings for her. My big bro and momsa has been very sads an that makes me sads too. Who is going to keeps me outs of troubles if my big sis is not heres? just sads.

Waz mah Birfday last week!
I am now 2 yearses old!! Momsa say Ima still her baby dog, but I knows how growns I am. In cases you missed it an wants to sends me more presents –> (I loves bacon *hint *hint). Momsa tooks us ups to the mtns so I coulds start gettin in shapes for sno-ga season!! Here is some pics of me to celebrates mah birfday!
lil baby dog me

momsa say I wuz handful even asleepin

dis whens I founds out i haz siblins

an these picses are from mah birfday, an see how bigs I am??

Woo Hoo. A Spade!!
February 8, 2011, 12:27 pm
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Is true. Momsa said I’m finally readys to gets a spade!! an is happenin This Thursdays!!! I still nots sure what that is, but my bro says is kinda likes a little shovels. An I loves to Dig!! I thinks thas why my momsa has been lookin so worried this weeks. She musts be worrieds Ima dig up the yards. No worries, momsa!! I am a big girls now an I can controls myself (kinda). She gots all my fav’rit foods this weeks, too, an is bein real lovesy!!! Iz like a big party for me an my spade!! You guys can comes too (when I figures out whats goin on).

Guess who’s got a birfday comin!
September 2, 2010, 6:32 am
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That’s rights. Ima turn a year old on the 25ths of dis month!! Can you believes it?? One whole year on the planets an I still gots so much to see and do! Moms is in disbelief, she still says I’m her lil 20 lb puppy, but I knows Ima big girl now! Stay tuned for a whole months of celebrationses!!
Big Newses!!

Dis mornin, my foster moms came homes with some cake an a big stuffs toy for me an a prity pink ruffles for me an she asks do I wants to stay with her an Sadie an Zigs Forevers! an I didn’t even hafs to think, I says “Yeps” an we rolled around on the floor togethers for a while an moms (“real” moms now) breaks out the party gears and we celebrated!! I’m officially ‘Adopteds’ and I haves my own pack nows!!! Happy Happy Happy Day!!
I can Swims!!!
We wents back to the lakes today an my foster moms let me practise swimmin some mores. She always holds me up a bit to make sures I dont swallows too much water. But today, as I was practicin, she let go and I swams all by myself in a circle around her afore I had to gets out and get the frisbee my brother droppeds. I swams all by myself!! I’ma be six months old on thursday and moms says I’m the bestest pup ever! She even carrieds me back to the cars today cause I was very tired after swimmins so much…
An to makes the day even better – I found the most awesomest stick and I cheweds on it for like an hour (moms says I’m stubburns like that); but when it was time to go she wouldn’t carry it to the car for me, so I hads to leave it.
Oh my dog…..ocean

Foster moms wokes us up early todays and packed all our lake toys so I gots real excited about it, then we were in the car for so long I fells asleep agin and whens I woke up, we were at the biggest lakes I ever seen!!!! Moms calls it the pasifics. I calls it awesome.
Moms also says that this pic of me is the definitions of ‘monkeybutt’ and so mines is the best.

First Day of Puppy Class!

I gots all my shots finished yesterdays, so today I gots to go to puppy class and hang out with some other dogses my own age. My foster moms took me and I gots lots of treats just for sittin downs! It was pawsome! Moms says I’m a good girl an I lerns quick. I can’t wait till next class!

My First Snow Day!!
Moms has been talking about it, but today we finally gots to go see it! Moms found me this cool sled to ride in for when I gots tired and we snowshoed all the way in to this big mountain meadow! It was awesome and I bounced round like a jackrabbit all mornings and chased snowballs and wrassled with the other dogs. Moms says I’m a natural (no duh, moms, I can do ANYthing). Can’t wait to go back!
Tripawd Puppyhood: take 1
Who said snoring isn’t ladylike? I thinks I’m cute.