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Hurricane Rosie

Mah new Dogses House!
June 2, 2012, 10:18 pm
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Momsa been remodelins mah house and we is movins in next weeks!! I pickses the colors mahself. and momsa say she buyin me a new couches too!! Woo Hoooo!!



New Dogshouse!
April 29, 2012, 8:32 pm
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Momsa finally comed throughs!! We is boughts a 4 clover house and my momsa is busy remodelings it so I can haz mah owns room! Iz a nice big backyards and it even comes wif its own squirrelses!!!! OMG iz so exciting! Iz goin to be so much rooms for diggin and rollins an chewin stickses!! Happy happpy happpppppppppppppy!

Monkeybutts Rosie, ober and outs

Happiness Is……
March 8, 2012, 2:12 pm
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Being Rosie. In the snow. On a 65 degree day.

Polar Bear Club!!

Finally! 2nd Snows!!
January 23, 2012, 11:34 am
Filed under: trips

Momsa say more snows is on tha ways!!!

No More Turkey Leftovers??
December 2, 2011, 12:03 am
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That’s it. You Dead to Me, Momsa.

at leasts until more turkeys appear in mah bowl.

Woo Hoo! First Winters Snows!!
November 7, 2011, 5:52 pm
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Momsa tooks us up to the mtns today so we coulds plays in the new snows!! OH SNOWS HOW I LUBS YOU!! Iz times to start gettins in shapes for Sno-ga season!!

what IZ Dis doin heres?

boing boing boing

WOO HOOO for winters!!!

Punkins. Taste betters when stolens.
October 9, 2011, 6:14 pm
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Momsa didn’t figure out fasts enough where I founds the pumpkin, so now she has ‘pologize to the neighborses. Mwa ha ha ha. I loves pumkins, I saws a pumkins, an I eated it. Was delicious. Til momsa took the remaining bits away. Happys Howl-oweenies!

I eated it.
October 6, 2011, 6:23 pm
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I wouldn admit it to my momsa, but I dids it. I eated teh whole plants. I’m two years olds now, so I can does what I wants, m’kay? Momsa accuses me right offs the bats, an I dunno why she singleds me out, but somehows she knows I eated it. She can’t prove nuffin. Good thing was not toxics. *burp.

Waz mah Birfday last week!
October 5, 2011, 7:54 pm
Filed under: milestones

I am now 2 yearses old!! Momsa say Ima still her baby dog, but I knows how growns I am. In cases you missed it an wants to sends me more presents –> (I loves bacon *hint *hint). Momsa tooks us ups to the mtns so I coulds start gettin in shapes for sno-ga season!! Here is some pics of me to celebrates mah birfday!

lil baby dog me

momsa say I wuz handful even asleepin

dis whens I founds out i haz siblins

an these picses are from mah birfday, an see how bigs I am??

Iz Hot. Where my snows?
August 31, 2011, 1:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Iz pritty hots here an my momsa been lettins us play with the spitty snakes after the suns goes down so we can cools off an run arounds. Iz better than nothins I guess.

Me an the spittys go way backs. Even whens I was jus a pups.

Stay cool, my friendses. The snows will be heres for you knows it.


Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.