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Hurricane Rosie

Lazy Summer Mornings
June 5, 2014, 10:05 am
Filed under: around the house

I’ve maybes decideds that mah bigs smelly new brother iz okays after all. Hims is a messy eaters an leaveses me lots of scrapses, so hims can stay.  This weeks is bery hots so momsa lets us plays out in the frotn courtyards in tha mornings an then we  naps insides while momsa goes to works. Iz importants to stay cools dis summers, M’kay?  Tell you momsa to gets you somes watersmelon.

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Momsa no love me
May 28, 2014, 12:45 pm
Filed under: around the house

Iz truemah bro and I has been moppings around the house. An I haz been missings mah big sister ever since she lefts us. BUT. Momsa adopteds another siblings for us and its a bigs stinky BOY. and now I haz TWO big stinky brothers an I am outnumbereds. Unless you counts the chikens. an I don’ts. NOT FAIR, Momsa. Humph.

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Happy Sundays!
March 30, 2014, 5:05 pm
Filed under: around the house

Tell you moms to takes you our for cheezburgers, M’kay?


I Like Bees
March 23, 2014, 4:16 pm
Filed under: around the house

Because they is cuteses an makes littles buzzy sounds an tickles mah tongue. But it turns outs, the bees no like me.

photo 1(22)   An now momsa tries to makes me has the sleepies drugs. SO  I haz to go naps now. No playings with the bees anymores 3(18)photo 2(3)

Backyard Hijinx
February 21, 2014, 2:23 pm
Filed under: around the house

We has not hads much snows this years, so I hads to finds a new hobby to keeps me in shapes. An today my momsa broughts home some good dirts an I helps her by spreadings it arounds an compactins it. Iz my jobs, m’kay?photo 1(23) photo 2(24) photo 3(19) photo 3(20) photo 4(14)

Helping in tha yards
January 24, 2014, 5:41 pm
Filed under: around the house

Is warms and sunnies here. 75 degreeses. So Ims helpings mah momsa in tha yards. She needses me. Even iffn she keeps tryin to makes me get downs. I gotsa be meeeeeee………

photo 1(17) photo 2(17)

photo 3(13)

Gold Medal – Synchronized Sleeping
January 11, 2014, 7:39 pm
Filed under: around the house

synchronized sleepingMah big bro and I are workings on qualifyins for the ‘Limpics. Lots of rehersin is requireds…..

Workin in tha Gardens
January 10, 2014, 4:36 pm
Filed under: around the house

photo 2(16)  Momsa been replanting the veggies garden and I been helpings with the greens an the cabbages an the cauliflowers. I also maybes eats more than I plants an momsa say I’m “in tha ways”, but I knows she needs my helpses…..


photo 1(15)

Helpin in da Yards
January 8, 2014, 2:47 pm
Filed under: around the house

Momsa is off all weeks, so I been busies helpsin hers in the yard. Im gettings BERY good at compactins tha dirts. Is importants to help, m’kay? Is not my faults if sun is shinin ands I gets a bits sleepys. mmmm warm dirts……

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photo 2(15)photo 1(14)

Is still me.
September 14, 2013, 5:10 pm
Filed under: around the house

Is true. Am guilty. Since momsa gots us tha house, I has become a full times addicted couch potatoes. When I’m not workin, that is. Momsa gots me some little babies chickens to raise and be ‘sponsible for an thats whats I been doin. Am very goods at it too. Momsa say I am “matures” now that Imma be 4 in just 1 more week! i do still gets in a little bits o trouble though, ebery now and then……

baby chickenses
watching mah chicksmah jobs

Buts when Im not workings, mah faborite place to be is on tha couches. I can see tha wholes streets an all the squirrelses an birdses an mailmans. Is nice.

mah couch
da views

Hopes all mah friendses are healthies and happies!

Luvs, Rosie

Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.