Maybe my momsa does loves me. Cause even thoughs she makes me shares tha couch wif my new bigs smelly brother, she also wakesed us up this mornings and takeds us to mah FABORIT place in tha wholes worlds, tha lake. Iz true. an it turns out mah new bro is a big drooly chickens! Hims wouldn’t evens comes in tha waters! an I chaseds hims wif the floaties an he rans away from me an hid behinds momsa likes tha big smelly boy hims is. Momsa made me stops barkins at him even thoughs I still has things to says. SO. Obviouslies I am stil tha boss an maybes the smelly boy can stays. for now. maybes.
Momsa hads the mornings off, so me an my sibs wents to mah FABORIT place, tha lakeses!! An I gots to digs in tha sands and eateds the sticks an chases mah frisbees…. is good to be meeeeee……….
Is summer now an that means SWIMMIN!! Momsa tooks us up to Shavers Lake todays for to chase the frisbees an rolls in the sand and next times you shoulds come too, M’kay??
Hope all my friendses is havin a great summers, too!!
I beens workin hards to develops new moveses for my Sno-ga so here is parts 2 of the routines. Don’t forgets to stretches befor attemptin these moveses, M’Kay??
Always startses with ‘HeadButt’ – where you head an you butt touch the snow. Jus be sures tha snow isn’t too deeps or you head an you butt falls right through.
Dis called ‘400m Freestyle’ – swims it like you means it
Dis called ‘invisible waters ski’- makes sure you legs is straight
dis called ‘snow dogses’ – makes sure you roll alots to make big wingses
dis called ‘Riversdance’ – momsa say you know why
dis called ‘Sea Otter’ – pretends you is floatin on you back
dis called ‘OMG’ – don’ forgets to make the face
dis called ‘kang’rue’ – makes sure you flexes you legs
dis called ‘ Mmmmfghmmm’
dis called ‘Heil’ – workses the abs
dis called ‘hear sumfin?’ – I thoughts I heards a mice unner tha snows
an lastly is ‘Flattop’ – you has to work hards to flexses you brain an makes it shrinks up in you head
Workses Hard an you will be ‘super muscleses’ likes me. Just don’t forgets to practice an makes sure you momsa gives you lotsa bacons. (I loves bacons) M’Kay??
Momsa took us up to the snows ’cause iz nice an warms right now (54 grees) an she knowses how much I loves the snows!! I been workins on disc 2 for my Sno-ga workout, so moms says I can posts that laters. Stay cool, m’kay?