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Hurricane Rosie

Still Livin the Tripawd Life
January 6, 2017, 6:18 pm
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Been too long! I don’t jumps as high as I used to, but I still swims like a fishes and I still likes going on adventures! I’ll do a better jobs of checkin in, ‘specially as I support my little brudder, Astronaut, through his recent Osteosarcoma diagnosis. Keep kickin, tripawds!


Merrys Christmases!!
December 25, 2014, 1:10 pm
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Hoppy Hollidays to all you tripawds out there! Keep on hopping!! Loves, Rosie



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How to Start You Day
January 3, 2014, 6:40 pm
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When you momsa wakes up, act casual. Likes “Hey Momsa, maybe wants to get up an makes me some bacons?” You don’t have to actually say it. You just have to gets up on the bed where you nots sposed to be and stare intently. She will gets the message…. photo 1(11)

If’n she donts get up right aways, try layings down on hers legs to shows you understans is hard beings a lazy humans.

photo 2(13)If’n she STILLS wont get ups, show her you dirty belly like “hey momsa, I needs a baths AND breakfast… days awasting, better gets up!”

photo 3(10)

If all else fails, give hers you cutest face and try an looks like you starvin and startings to panics…. works everytimes!!

photo 4(8)

Keep on it, chowhoundses.  Luvs, Rosie

Happies New Year!!
January 1, 2014, 4:59 pm
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Haz been nice and warms here, so mah siblins an I haz a lazies day an naps in the courtyard. Hopes all mah friends is havin a Happies New Years too!!


photo 1(10) photo 2(12)photo 4(7)


Popping In to say Hellos!
January 2, 2013, 5:31 pm
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Hurricane Rosie checking back in to wish all my friendses a happy news year! Momsa say that since I’m now 3.5 yearses old, I can posts unsupervised! So lets me tell you ’bout this @s*%&$ squirrel… Ooops, nevermind. Momsa say she still habs editorial rights….

Anyways, we finally gots some of my favorite white stuff up the hill, so momsa tooks me and my sibs to go burn off some of the holiday turkeys we been eatin too much of. Aww yeah.

Monkeybutts Rosie, ober and out!

Mah new Dogses House!
June 2, 2012, 10:18 pm
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Momsa been remodelins mah house and we is movins in next weeks!! I pickses the colors mahself. and momsa say she buyin me a new couches too!! Woo Hoooo!!



New Dogshouse!
April 29, 2012, 8:32 pm
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Momsa finally comed throughs!! We is boughts a 4 clover house and my momsa is busy remodelings it so I can haz mah owns room! Iz a nice big backyards and it even comes wif its own squirrelses!!!! OMG iz so exciting! Iz goin to be so much rooms for diggin and rollins an chewin stickses!! Happy happpy happpppppppppppppy!

Monkeybutts Rosie, ober and outs

Happiness Is……
March 8, 2012, 2:12 pm
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Being Rosie. In the snow. On a 65 degree day.

Polar Bear Club!!

No More Turkey Leftovers??
December 2, 2011, 12:03 am
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That’s it. You Dead to Me, Momsa.

at leasts until more turkeys appear in mah bowl.

Woo Hoo! First Winters Snows!!
November 7, 2011, 5:52 pm
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Momsa tooks us up to the mtns today so we coulds plays in the new snows!! OH SNOWS HOW I LUBS YOU!! Iz times to start gettins in shapes for Sno-ga season!!

what IZ Dis doin heres?

boing boing boing

WOO HOOO for winters!!!

Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.