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Hurricane Rosie

Ocean vid
March 18, 2010, 8:16 pm
Filed under: trips

Just so you don’t think it’s all wine and roses for the kid. I traumatize her on a daily basis. Just look at her face in the first 10 sec or so….


Oh my dog…..ocean
March 18, 2010, 6:20 pm
Filed under: milestones,trips

Foster moms wokes us up early todays and packed all our lake toys so I gots real excited about it, then we were in the car for so long I fells asleep agin and whens I woke up, we were at the biggest lakes I ever seen!!!! Moms calls it the pasifics. I calls it awesome.

Moms also says that this pic of me is the definitions of ‘monkeybutt’ and so mines is the best.

The Spit Snakes, Part 2
March 16, 2010, 2:43 pm
Filed under: around the house

OMD!! The green water spit snake is not alones! Today moms tooks me out in the yard and little spit snakes popped up all ober the place!! I gaves ’em my deepest ‘I means bizness’ bark, but they kept on spittins! I chased them for a longs time and then I’z tired so I had to takes a nap and let my sibs get the snakes. Where ares all these snakes comin from?? I did likes bein wets ’cause it was a warm day an I gets hots easy, but them snakes are weird!

Today’s New Experience – The Hose
March 14, 2010, 5:36 pm
Filed under: around the house | Tags:

You guys will nots believes it! There’s this green snakey thing in the yards and it spitted waters at me! At first I thoughts it was trying to gets me so I defended the house from its. Then I seen my brother tryin to bites it, so I followed his lead. I fought it so goods that it went back to sleeps just to get away from me! I showed that monster whos boss! Then I saw my brother doin his ‘racoon feet’ in the pool so I barked at hims to get his ttention and so he’d chased me.

Then moms showed me what we do on warm, sunny days… she calls its ‘layin out’. I calls it ‘naptime in the suns’…. Silly moms.

First Day of Puppy Class!
March 13, 2010, 3:47 pm
Filed under: around the house,milestones

I gots all my shots finished yesterdays, so today I gots to go to puppy class and hang out with some other dogses my own age. My foster moms took me and I gots lots of treats just for sittin downs! It was pawsome! Moms says I’m a good girl an I lerns quick. I can’t wait till next class!

More Snow (and its meltin)
March 12, 2010, 5:11 pm
Filed under: trips

We gots to go back to the snow todays! and it’s gettin all wet an mushy!! I’m gettin real strongs now and can runs for a long time! I hikd all the way in bys myself today, almost 2 miles! Pup -pup pup pupppppppyyyyy power!!

PS: I like carrots…..

More Lake Time!
March 9, 2010, 4:26 pm
Filed under: trips

Nows that the weather is warmer an the floweres is coming out, moms is taking me to the lakes more ’cause she wants me to be real comforble around waters. I thinks I might wait til the waters warms up a bit more afore I gets too comforble…. My bro and sis likes it, though. and I got to spend more time checkin out the flowerses. They is tasty.

Water Safety
March 7, 2010, 2:35 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Moms says I gots to start learnin now while I is a puppy. I still can’t swims good, but I likes the wading pool.

My First Snow Day!!
March 4, 2010, 3:18 pm
Filed under: milestones,trips

Moms has been talking about it, but today we finally gots to go see it! Moms found me this cool sled to ride in for when I gots tired and we snowshoed all the way in to this big mountain meadow! It was awesome and I bounced round like a jackrabbit all mornings and chased snowballs and wrassled with the other dogs. Moms says I’m a natural (no duh, moms, I can do ANYthing). Can’t wait to go back!

First Trip to the Lake!
March 3, 2010, 1:18 pm
Filed under: trips | Tags:

Today, my foster mom tooks me to this big open space with the biggest bathtub i’ve ever seens! My sibs jumped rights in an I trieds to follow em but I still can’t swims good yet. The sun was shinin and everything smelld so strange, it was greats!! We stayed for almost 2 hours but then the wind blowed strongser and I startd gettin chillys and foster moms made us get back in the car. Now I needs a nap, pronto.

Hurricane Rosie is brought to you by Tripawds.